Looking for More Bang for Your IT Buck?
Microsoft’s Cloud Partners Offer the Expertise of an In-House IT Team, Advanced IT Security and Cost-Effective ROI
Many small and midsize businesses want to make the leap to the cloud, but they aren’t sure how to make it happen safely and securely. Fortunately, Microsoft offers an extensive network of dedicated Microsoft Partners that can help you take full advantage of all the benefits that your cloud investment offers.
Businesses Benefit From Reliable Remote Access and Ultimate Connectivity in the Cloud
Migrating to the cloud provides countless benefits to small and midsize businesses. And these days, a business is expected to be communicative and connected without limitation. An increased frequency of cloud migrations reflects the growing awareness among business owners that cloud technology is something they can count on to provide reliable backup, remote access, data security and total connectivity.
Some of the most common reasons that small and midsize businesses migrate to the cloud include the following:
- Cost effectiveness: When it comes to having the option of an extra server or upgrading your organization’s IT infrastructure, doing business in the cloud is simply more convenient and more effective.
- Flexibility: You can easily modify the amount of technology that you pay for, and seamlessly modify features and services as you go.
- Rapid implementation: With fewer processes to integrate, migration is easy and streamlined with little downtime.
By shifting your business to the cloud, you’ll gain valuable business flexibility that allows you to access your data securely when you need it most, from wherever you may be, and on whatever integrated device you choose.
If you’re considering migrating your business technology to the cloud, keep these tips in mind:
1. Partner with a dedicated Microsoft Cloud Services Provider to ensure you implement a Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery plan to maximize your benefit from the cloud. The cloud provides an unprecedented opportunity to keep your business data safe and secure should something happen to your on-site infrastructure.
2. Evaluate your infrastructure. Consider deploying a hybrid cloud system, which includes both on-site and off-site cloud systems for the ultimate in connectivity and business continuity.
3. Plan your internal migration strategy. Effective migration planning will lead to limited downtime and keep critical systems up and running through the process.
4. Consider the sensitivity of your data against any applicable regulatory policies. For example, if you’re in health care, you want to choose a MS Cloud Partner who is familiar with HIPAA compliance protocols.
5. Develop your cloud-forward strategy. When you focus and invest in your cloud technology, you won’t be held back by your legacy systems as you move forward with your infrastructure and IT development. When you make the cloud a priority, you have access to a scalable resource that allows your IT to grow with your business—from communications, software, and cloud platforms to infrastructure.
6. Bring your employees on board. Since your employees are going to be major players in the use and application of your cloud technology, include them in the decision-making and planning processes early on. Having access to multiple points of view during your transition to the cloud will help you put your resources where they will be most effective—which benefits your workforce and your business in the long run. Allowing your employees to pitch ideas and make suggestions in the cloud implementation process will foster goodwill and make them feel invested in the technology from the very beginning.
7. Remember your customer. While you are building your cloud technology for your internal organization, it is important to consider how it will affect your customer’s experience with your product or service. In today’s highly competitive business climate, a business is expected to be online 24/7/365 with a rapid-fire response to communications. Cloud technology makes this possible as a basically limitless communication resource. You’ll have more options to engage with your customer during the selling process while using your new technology to increase your business’s profitability along the way.
NYNJA is your trusted Microsoft Cloud Partner and local expert in all things IT security and business continuity. If you’re considering migrating your business to the cloud, contact us at NY (845) 664-4357, NJ (201) 785-7800 or send us an email at info@nynja.com for more information.